
charities we support
We believe that giving is a vital part of our ministry, both as individuals and as a church.
As a church we support a number of charities:
Mission Direct
Two of our members joined a Mission Direct team in Cambodia in January 2020. See this link for more information.
GenR8 was established in 2001 as a single team of 5 volunteers to bring entertaining, high quality assemblies with a Christian ethos to local primary schools. There are now several teams working in Cambridgeshire and North Hertfordshire, with further affiliate teams in King’s Lynn and Melton Mowbray.
BMS World Mission
BMS is a Christian mission organisation, working in around 35 countries on four continents. BMS personnel are mainly involved in church planting, development, disaster relief, education, health, and media and advocacy.
Home Mission
Home Mission is all about helping Baptist churches and individuals to reach their mission potential and bring the love of God to their communities.This happens through grants which are given to support a variety of ministries in and through Baptist churches across the country. Grants are also given to support chaplains and others who work outside the walls of the church.
Cottenham Charities
Cottenham Charities provides accommodation in seven almshouses in the village and also gives grants to those who live in the local community who are on a low income or who have a disability for the purchase of essential household items. In recent years grants have been given to purchase items of furniture, disability aids, home adaptations and other items including a replacement fridge freeze and a riser/recliner chair. Grant applications are considered throughout the year.