morning service

On Sundays we have a morning service which starts at 10.30am. Our aim is that the service is inclusive and accessible, where people will find time to spend with God. The service generally finishes around 11.30am, with the opportunity to chat afterwards over coffee.
One Sunday a month we have an all age service where children, young people and adults interact together as one church family. On the remaining Sundays we have children’s groups, young people’s groups and a preschool/crèche group which take place during the service. One Sunday a month we share communion together, usually during the first part of the service.
The monthly outline of our services is as follows, although on occasion we do change these around if special events arise:
1st Sunday - All age 'family' service
2nd Sunday - Morning service
3rd Sunday - Communion service
4th Sunday - Morning service5th Sunday - Brunch service