
As a family church that seeks to be an inclusive community, we are very much aware of the need for prayer! We are also very much aware of the daily pressures on people’s lives. Our main Church prayer meetings take place on the first Sunday evening of the month, when a group of us meet together in the church coffee lounge to pray for the needs of our Church family and our village.
We also hold prayer meetings at different times throughout the year, where we try to be creative, as we know that not all people pray in the same way. Often we will have time praying together as well as sections of the room where people can go to pray alone or in twos and threes. Our aim is to set aside time to come before our God as his people, to pray for our village, our church, and our own lives.
A number of us are also part of small prayer groups of 3 or 4 people, meeting regularly either face to face or via social media, to support and encourage each other.