
CTIC stands for 'Christians Together in Cottenham', and is one way in which the Cottenham churches, as well as other christians in the village, work together.
As well as Baptists there are three other Christian denominations represented in the village: Anglican, Salvation Army and Methodist. Although there is currently no Methodist congregation in Cottenham, there is a Methodist Pioneer Minister, Simon Oliver. There is a very good relationship between the ministers and they meet together regularly.
CTIC is the umbrella organisation for the annual CTIC Summer Holiday Club, as well as being a means of coordinating the involvement of local christians in the Fen Edge Family Festival and other local community events. Those involved are identified by wearing red t-shirts with the CTIC logo on them.

Recently the Cottenham churches have run both a Marriage Course and a Parenting Course, under the leadership of Simon Oliver, both of which took place in the Cottenham Community Centre Coffee Shop.